
As of November 4th 2010, we will be traveling from Vancouver British Columbia to Sierra Leone West Africa for a two week adventure. This will likely be the most exotic trip we have taken to date. Sierra Leone is described as a beautiful albeit poor country in the midst of change as it emerges from years of civil war. The Jones family has been involved in the funding for construction of a school in a small town called Mabureh 50Km outside of the capital city of Freetown. As part of our journey through Sierra Leone, we will visit the school and film a short documentary in support of further school construction. This blog will serve to share our African experience with all who may be interested. Thanks. Scott Norrena & Tamara Jones

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Original Settlers - Freetown, Sierra Leone - Canadian Connection

One of the first groups of North America settlers in Freetown came to Sierra Leone via Nova Scotia. These Nova Scotians, were black loyalists who fought with the British in the American Revolutionary war. Most were  relocated to Nova Scotia by the British from the American states of Virgina, Maryland, North & South Carolina. The majority of these British loyalists had been in America for two, three or four generations. The Nova Scotian's were easily identified apart from other ethnic groups in their new home Freetown Sierra Leone by their accent which was typical of American and British working class citizens of the time. The Nova Scotian settlers were the single greatest Western influence on the development of Freetown.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Flight Itinerary - Creighton Jones

Creighton's journey begins a littler earlier with an early morning flight to Toronto Pearson. In Toronto, he will meet up with the Grandparents for the flight into London Heathrow.

Creighton also returns to London from Sierra Leone earlier along with Martin & Maxim. The return flight from Freetown to Heathrow (BD968) lands in Terminal 1. It will be necessary to transfer to Terminal 3 for the flight (AC855) back to Vancouver.

Thanks to the Uncles for delivering Crey to Terminal 1 Heathrow for his return flight to Vancouver.

From         To               Airline            Flight     Date         Depart   Arrive
Vancouver  Pearson      Air Canada     AC108    4/11/10     7:00       14:18
Pearson      Heathrow    Air Canada     AC856    4/11/10     19:10     6:25
Heathrow     Freetown    BMI Airways   BD967     7/11/10     11:50     19:45
Freetown     Heathrow    BMI Airways   BD968     17/11/10   22:45     6:35
Heathrow    Vancouver   Air Canada    AC855     18/11/10   13:00     15:00

Flight Itinerary - Tammy, Scott, Lloyd & Willa

From           To              Airline             Flight   Date        Depart   Arrive
Vancouver   Gatwick      Air Transat       TS840   4/11/10    14:05      6:45
Heathrow     Freetown    BMI Airways      BD967  7/11/10    11:50      19:45
Freetown     Heathrow    BMI Airways      BD968  21/11/10   22:35     6:25
London       Vancouver   Air Transat       TS841  25/11/10   9:15       11:20

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blood diamonds

Sierra Leone is a resource rich country. One of the principal exports is diamonds. During the civil war ( 1991-2002 ) many of the warring parties fought for control of the diamond fields. The diamond trade remains as an important economic resource to this day. During the war, the export of diamonds was restricted as a means to limit the purchase of weapons and ammunition used by the various combatants. Trade in diamonds was forced underground into the black market. The illegal trade of “conflict diamonds” or “blood diamonds’ was the basis for the 2006 Hollywood movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio: Blood Diamond.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

WE Day 2010

WE Day should be an interesting day tomorrow. Check out their site. I hope the event is just as inspirational as the web-site!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The official language in Sierra Leone is English, however, there are many more including: Krio, Temne, Mende, and 15 other indigenous languages. The Krio language is an interesting blend of English and African languages. Although Krio is not an official language, it is the common language for communication between people of different mother tongues. The Krio language is understood by some 97% of the population.


Ɔrayt, wi go tok bak. - "Alright, we will talk again."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friends of Mabureh

Friends of Mabureh was founded January 17, 2009; and is locally based in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Its aim is to raise funds to help the Mabureh Community and other communities in Sierra Leone get improved educational institutions for better learning.


Sierra Leone - Wikipedia


Vaccination shots & visitation visa

Yes! It was painful and expensive. Tammy, Creighton and I have completed all the vaccinations necessary for our trip. The shots included Yellow fever, Hepatitis A & B & Typhoid. A Yellow fever certificate was required as part of the visitation visa. My arm was sore for three days. Ouch!!! Other preventative medications include Malarone for Malaria & Azithromycin for traveler's belly ache. We will also be packing pills for water treatment and mosquito nets.