
As of November 4th 2010, we will be traveling from Vancouver British Columbia to Sierra Leone West Africa for a two week adventure. This will likely be the most exotic trip we have taken to date. Sierra Leone is described as a beautiful albeit poor country in the midst of change as it emerges from years of civil war. The Jones family has been involved in the funding for construction of a school in a small town called Mabureh 50Km outside of the capital city of Freetown. As part of our journey through Sierra Leone, we will visit the school and film a short documentary in support of further school construction. This blog will serve to share our African experience with all who may be interested. Thanks. Scott Norrena & Tamara Jones

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The official language in Sierra Leone is English, however, there are many more including: Krio, Temne, Mende, and 15 other indigenous languages. The Krio language is an interesting blend of English and African languages. Although Krio is not an official language, it is the common language for communication between people of different mother tongues. The Krio language is understood by some 97% of the population.


Ɔrayt, wi go tok bak. - "Alright, we will talk again."

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