
As of November 4th 2010, we will be traveling from Vancouver British Columbia to Sierra Leone West Africa for a two week adventure. This will likely be the most exotic trip we have taken to date. Sierra Leone is described as a beautiful albeit poor country in the midst of change as it emerges from years of civil war. The Jones family has been involved in the funding for construction of a school in a small town called Mabureh 50Km outside of the capital city of Freetown. As part of our journey through Sierra Leone, we will visit the school and film a short documentary in support of further school construction. This blog will serve to share our African experience with all who may be interested. Thanks. Scott Norrena & Tamara Jones

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vaccination shots & visitation visa

Yes! It was painful and expensive. Tammy, Creighton and I have completed all the vaccinations necessary for our trip. The shots included Yellow fever, Hepatitis A & B & Typhoid. A Yellow fever certificate was required as part of the visitation visa. My arm was sore for three days. Ouch!!! Other preventative medications include Malarone for Malaria & Azithromycin for traveler's belly ache. We will also be packing pills for water treatment and mosquito nets.

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